EXHIBITION: December 14 – January 14, 2024

An immersive exhibition and installation, Nomads of Persia sets the tenor for Firouz  Farmanfarmaian’s week-long storm of Manhattan: 

The artist represented Kyrgyzstan at the ’22 Biennale di Venezia and expands this show to its zenith  in NYC. Farmanfarmaian now shows new work casting his nomadic mindscape across the City. In a  multi-venue “voyage”, NYC meets Iran as a fluent projection of the artist’s (re)connection to the  nomadic cultures of his birthplace – sadly at distance, still in imposed exile from the Iranian regime.  Nomads of Persia inhabits a Tribeca building space at Salomon Arts Creative Studio.  

At Salomon, work on print + canvas weave textile production into a new performative whole – draped  within immersive sound + video integrations and coupled with a generative AI experiment. It engages with the endangered heritage of Persian tribal cultures disrupting established narratives from a  position of exile. In combination with the nomadic customs of the artist’s fatherland,  Farmanfarmaian presents Nomads of Persia in multi-format form through textile, print, paint, video,  sound and AI-powered digital material.

About Firouz FarmanFarmaian

Firouz FarmanFarmaian (b. 1973 Tehran, Iran) is an artist, composer, film director, and cultural  producer. He is a descendant of the Qajar dynasty, a Turkic tribe that rose to power in present-day  Iran in the late 1700s. Exiled since the ‘79 Iranian-Islamic Revolution, he is French-Swedish by  nationality and considers himself stateless. FarmanFarmaian is strongly moved by history and  memory, and abstracts these into nomadic visual culture and the “post-tribal” — a way of  rehabilitating tribal tradition and worldview back into contemporary discourse. His work often  sources from, is inspired by, and produced in collaboration with tribal craftsmen, solid substrata to  his painting, textile, film, music and technology creative output. 

About Firouz FarmanFarmaian 

Firouz FarmanFarmaian (b. 1973 Tehran, Iran) is an artist, composer, film director, and cultural  producer. He is a descendant of the Qajar dynasty, a Turkic tribe that rose to power in present-day  Iran in the late 1700s. Exiled since the ‘79 Iranian-Islamic Revolution, he is French-Swedish by  nationality and considers himself stateless. FarmanFarmaian is strongly moved by history and  memory, and abstracts these into nomadic visual culture and the “post-tribal” — a way of  rehabilitating tribal tradition and worldview back into contemporary discourse. His work often  sources from, is inspired by, and produced in collaboration with tribal craftsmen, solid substrata to  his painting, textile, film, music and technology creative output. 


For images, further background or interviews, please contact:

Norah Lawlor
Principal & CEO
Lawlor Media Group, Inc.
T: 212.967.6900


83 Leonard Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10013

Viewing by appointment only.
Please contact us at 212-966-1917
or via email at gallery@salomonarts.com